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The Senator George J.Mitchell Institute
for Global Peace, Security and Justice




2019. 'Resonance, Resilience and Empathy in Music Production with Asylum Seekers in Australia, Music and Arts in Action. 71p. 98-112 15.

Magowan, F. and H. Donnan. 2019. 'Introduction: Sounding and Performing Resistance and Resilience', Music and Arts in Action. 71p. 1-10.

Magowan, F. and J. Donaghey 2018. Music Bridge and Trainer of Trainers' 2017 Report. URL available at Report available - PDF format accessed 6 June 2020. 

2018. ‘Sensing the Street: The Power and Politics of Sound and Aurality in a Northern Australian Rhythmscape’. In S. Reily and K. Brucher (eds.), The Routledge Companion to the Study of Local Musicking. Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group.

2018. ‘Song as Gift and Capital: Intercultural processes of indigenization and spiritual transvaluation in Yolngu Christian music’. In M. Ingalls, M. Swijghuisen Reigersberg and Z. Sherinian (eds.), Making Congregational Music Local in Christian Communities Worldwide. Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group, (Congregational Music Studies Series).

2018. ‘Cycles of Integration and Fragmentation: Changing Yolngu-Balanda Sentiments of the 'Good Life' in Northern Australia’. In C. Gregory and J. Altman (eds.), The Quest for the Good Life in Precarious Times: Ethnographic Perspectives on the Domestic Moral Economy. Canberra: ANU Press. Pp. 139-62. (Monographs in Anthropology Series, 24).

2016. Christianity, Conflict, and Renewal in Australia and the Pacific.Leiden: Brill. (ed. with Carolyn Schwarz).

2013. Performing Gender, Place, and Emotion: Global Perspectives. Rochester: University of Rochester Press (ed. with Louise Wrazen).

2007. Melodies of Mourning: Music and Emotion in Northern Australia. Oxford: James Currey Press.



2018. Pedro Rebelo and Rodrigo Cicchelli Velloso, P. ‘Participatory Sonic Arts: the Som de Maré project - towards a socially engaged art of sound in the everyday’ in 'The Routledge Research Companion to Electronic Music: Reaching Out with Technology', ed. Simon Emmerson. 

2014. Schroeder, F. and Rebelo, P. “Distributing Sounding Art: Practices in Distributing Sound” in Truax, B. and Cobussen, M. Routledge Companion to Sounding Art. Routledge.

2014 Hickmann, F. and Rebelo, P.  “Improvisation, Indeterminacy and Game-Mediated Participation in Network Music Performance” in Schroeder, F. and Ó hAodha, M. ed. Soundweaving: Writings on Improvisation. Cambridge Scholars Publishing ISBN 1-4438-5344-5.

Creative Practice

Som da Maré (2014). Participative Sound Art Project in the Maré Favelas, Muse da Maré Rio de Janeiro and Museu de Arte Moderna (MAC) Niterói, Brazil



2021. "We are the ones who are impatient", Improvising Resistance and Resilience in Jordanian Hip Hop and Rap, in Daniel Fischlin and Eric Porter (eds) Sound Changes, Improvisation and Transcultural Difference, Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 2021, 978-0472-132423

2016. The Muslim Brotherhood, its future face. London: Routledge.

2011. Contemporary Politics in the Middle East. Cambridge: Polity. (Third edition)

2010 B. Milton-Edwards and S. Farrell.  Hamas: The Islamic Resistance Movement. Cambridge: Polity.



2018. “The Mobility Myth: Risk and Resilience of Refugee Youth in the MENA Region.” Forced Migration Review.

2018. ‘Five myths about Palestine’s youth activists – debunked.’ The Conversation, 18 May.

2015. Understanding Nonviolence, eds. Maia Carter Hallward & Julie M. Norman. London: Polity Press.

2011. Nonviolent Resistance: Activism and Advocacy in the Second Intifada, eds. Maia Carter Hallward and Julie M. Norman. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.

2010. The Second Palestinian Intifada: Civil Resistance. London: Routledge.


2019. ‘From Traumatism to Promise in Stacey Gregg’ Shibboleth (2015) and Abbie Spallen’s Lally the Scut (2015).’ In The Promise of Peace: The Good Friday Agreement 20 years On, eds. Cillian McGrattan and Stefanie Lehner (Manchester: Manchester University Press). 

2019. ‘Reconciliation and the Politics of Friendship in post-Troubles Literature.’ In The New Irish Studies: Twenty-First-Century Critical Revisions, ed. Ed. Paige Reynolds. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019 (forthcoming).

2018 ”Troubling Victims: Representing a New Politics of Victimhood in Northern Ireland on Stage and Screen’. In: The Legacy of 1998: Northern Irish Politics, Culture and Art after the Good Friday Agreement, eds. Charles Armstrong, David Herbert and Jan Erik Mustad. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillian, 2018. 89-108.

‘Performing Belfast: Stewart Parker’s Northern Star (1984) and Pentecost (1987)’. In: Boundaries, Passages, Transitions: Essays in Irish Literature, Culture and Politics in Honour of Werner Huber, ed. Hedwig Schwall. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2018. 43-54.

2018 ‘Divided Memory in Belfast: Authorization, Recognition and ‘ In: Geteilte Städte in Literatur und Film [Divided Cities in Literature and Film], eds. Stephanie Schwerter. Heidelberg: Universitatsverlag Winter, 2018. 185–196.  

2013. ‘Transformative Aesthetics: Between Remembrance and Reconciliation in Contemporary Northern Irish Theatre’. Contemporary Theatre Review. 23.3: 278-290.

2013. ‘The Spectre of Class: Class Politics, Restorative Justice and the Peace Process in recent Northern Irish Film and Drama.’ Irish Review 47: 100-117.

2013. ‘The Irreversible & the Irrevocable: Encircling Trauma in Contemporary Northern Irish Literature’. In Memory Ireland Volume 3: Memory Cruxes: The Famine and the Troubles, ed. Oona Frawley. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press. 272 - 292.



2018. ‘The Punk Anarchisms of Class War and CrimethInc, Journal of Political Ideologies  (forthcoming)
2018.  ‘Punk and Religion in Indonesia’, in Religion and Popular Music: Artists, Fans and Cultures,  Andreas Häger (ed.), London: Bloomsbury Academic
2018. Donaghey J. and Jian Xiao, ‘Punk and Resistance in Indonesia and China’ in Punk Culture in Contemporary China, Jian Xiao, London: Palgrave MacMillan 
2018. ‘Dances with Agitators. What is “Anarchist Music”’, in the Routledge Handbook of Radical Politics, Uri Gordon and Ruth Kinna (eds), London: Routledge 
2018. ‘The Sparrows’ Nest Library and Archive (interview)’, 4th June
2017. Donaghey, J. and Marjaana Jauhola, ‘Researching “Punk Indonesia” – Marjaana Jauhola in interview with Jim Donaghey’, Scraps of Hope special issue
2017.  ‘Shane Greene. Punk and Revolution: 7 More Interpretations of Peruvian Reality’ book review, Anthropological Forum, 27:3, pp. 283-284 
2017.  ‘Doing Research in “Punk Indonesia”: notes towards a non-exploitative insider methodology’, Punk & Post-Punk, 6:2, pp. 291-314
2017.  ‘Punk and Anarchist Squats in Poland’, Trespass, 1, pp. 4-35 
2015.  ‘“Shariah Don’t Like It …?” Religion and Punk in Indonesia’, Punk & Post-Punk, 4:1, pp. 29-51 (plus the editorial introduction to the volume, with Francis Stewart, pp. 3-7)


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The Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice
Queen's University Belfast
18-19 University Square
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)208 9097 3413 / 3740